Third trip to visit Yellowstone National Park in the winter.
This trip more or less mirrored the 2015 trip where we spent eight days in the Lamar Valley, three nights at the snow lodge in the heart of the park, and five nights at West Yellowstone.
The first stop at Lamar Valley was based out of Gardiner in Montana and we had our 4×4 vehicle to take us up and down Lamar Valley. I think the highlight of this part had to be the fantastic landscapes and a very close encounter with a Coyote which walked right by the vehicle and was extremely relaxed.
John Layshock of Caldera Tours meet us at the northern entrance to the park and drove us to the snow lodge where we had two days which proved to be rest days as John had a spot of trouble with the snow-coach and had to go back to West Yellowstone to have an emergency repair made. We did have a few hikes on the local trails although at one point we had to stay in the lodge as the wolves had been hunting locally but we failed to see them.
Back to the snow coach on the morning of our departure from the snow-lodge and the last six days in the coach looking for wildlife. We had amazing snowfalls and blizzard during these days and we were very fortunate to get great photography opportunity with Bison. Again amazing landscapes with the white-out conditions.
Hope to go again but lots of places to revisit so we will have to see what the future offers.
If you are interested in replicating my trip and need advice or someone to make it happen then let me know and I will put another trip together. Next time I might just get the wolves . . . .