Another great trip which was organised in part by Glauco and Charles at Southwild . We started our Brazilian adventure at Ouro Preto which was a short drive from Belo Horizonte. Ouro Preto is a colonial town in the Serra do Espinhaço mountains of eastern Brazil and was a great place to chill out after our flight from London. Not much photography but a really beautiful town with lots of interesting architecture.
From Ouro Preto we drove back to Belo Horizonte and flew to Barreiras were we were meet by Leilda, from Southwild, and transferred to Wolf Camp where we were to spend the next five days. No Electricity, no internet and no air conditioning with a temperature around 40c. We were the only ones in camp and I have to say, the food was good and the wildlife was great, other than the capuchin monkeys that failed to deliver their stone breaking nut show!
From Wolf Camp we flew back to Sao Paulo and drove up the Brazilian coast as far as Parity, staying at Itamambuca Eco Resort near Ubatuba which is a great lodge close to the beach with a large garden and plenty of feeders to keep me entertained with the camera.
Next stop was the Pantanal, again organised by Southwild, staying at three different lodges and accompanied by our Southwild guide Tom. It exceeded our expectation and was an amazing experience which was only marred by having to share a boat with a big headed professional photograph from the USA who had been everywhere, done everything, and knew exactly what the wildlife was going to do and the best position for the boat even though he had never been to Brazil before. I think you can imagine how that went down with me!
Finally we travelled to Manaus, gateway to the Amazon, and to be honest was the biggest disappointment of the trip after the Pantanal. Still enjoyable going through a number of inlets but just not quite up there compared to the Pantanal and I think we were starting to think about going home after over four weeks in Brazil.
Anyway, how you enjoy my images. Lots to look at and its taken quite a while to select a small number from the several thousand I brought home with me.
Will certainly be going again.